Homepage : Prof. Dr. Dayanand Arora
Professor für International Finance and Accounting
Dez. 2000 - bis heute |
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Professor for International Finance and Accounting |
Okt. 1999 - Nov. 2000 |
Fachhochschule Furtwangen, Baden Württemburg Professor für International Finance and Accounting |
Okt. 1991 - Feb. 1992 |
Hochschule Bremen Guest Lecturer for Winter Semester 1991/92 Subject: International Economic Relations and Multinational Corporations |
Jun. 1990 - Dez. 1990 |
Schiller International University, Heidelberg Teaching Contract for Summer and Fall Semesters Subject: Quantitative Techniques of Management, European Banking and Business Finance |
Sep. 1984 - Jan. 1986 |
University of Delhi, India Lecturer of Business Administration (on study leave between March 1989 and Oct. 1992) |
Feb. 1984 - Jan. 1986 |
Junior College of Commerce, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Visiting Lecturer of Business Administration Subject: Organization & Management, Banking |
Praktische Erfahrung
Mär. 2005 - Aug. 2005 | Projekt zum Thema "Supply Chain Management in Indian Automotive Industry" |
Mai 1997 - Sept. 1999 |
Lemförder Fahrwerktechnik AG & Co., Lemförde Coordinator for Global Business Planning & Capital Budgeting |
Jan. 1997 - Apr. 1997 |
Deutz AG, Köln Controller, Foreign Affiliates |
Okt. 1994 - Dez. 1996 |
Lemförder Fahrwektechnik AG & Co., Lemförde Project Controller, International Department |
Apr. 1989 - Dez. 1993 |
Doktorstudie an der J. W. Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Vollendet: Doctor rerum politicarum (Ph.D.) Forschungsarbeit: Japanese Financial Institutions in Europe and their International Competitiveness |
Jul. 1988 - Feb. 1989 |
M.Phil. An der University of Delhi, India Vollendet: Master of Philosophy (2 Semesters) Spezialisierung: Accounting and Finance |
Jul. 1974 - Apr. 1979 |
University of Delhi, India Vollendet: Master of Commerce (10 Semesters) Spezialisierung: Accounting and Finance |
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